Soft geography (after Christo and Jeanne Claude)
Geotextiles are used at glacial tourist attractions and ski resorts. Essentially enormous, reflective blankets, they are put over ice in the summer. In a gesture at once naive, tender, and seemingly futile, their purpose is to slow accelerating glacial melt. Unfathomable at any larger scale than a single ski hill, geotextiles are literally geologic bandages.
These images are speculative installations inspired by the the futility and softness of geotextiles, augmented to the awesome (i.e. awe-inspiring) scale of landworks, and are the basis for larger, on-going projects.
2022 - ongoing
Speculative photographs created with photographs, Photoshop, and MidJourney
Speculative photographs created with photographs, Photoshop, and MidJourney